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Working with isocyanates

Diisocyanates are a group of organic compounds containing an isocyanate functional group (-N=C=O). The most common diisocyanates are toluene diisocyanate (TDI) and diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI). These compounds are used as raw materials in industry, especially in the production of polyurethanes and polyurethane foams, which are used as insulation materials, sealants, coatings, adhesives and many other applications. In addition, diisocyanates are also used in medicine as components of drugs for the treatment of asthma and other respiratory diseases.

Diisocyanates are also toxic and cause serious health problems, especially when inhaled or otherwise absorbed into the body. Therefore, store and handle them properly to minimize the risk of exposure. It is also necessary to limit their use only in well-ventilated areas, with the use of personal protection.

Use of diisocyanates in practice:

Diisocyanates are used in various industries, especially where the formation of hard and durable materials is required.

Industries that work with diisocyanates:

  1. Production of varnishes and coatings:  Diisocyanates are often used as reactive components in the production of polyurethane varnishes and coatings.
  2. Construction:  In the construction industry, diisocyanates are used as components in assembly foam for sealing and insulation. They are also used as adhesive compounds in the production of sandwich panels and other building materials.
  3. Automotive industry:  Diisocyanates are used in the production of automotive parts,
  4. Source: www.pixabay.com
  5. especially in the area of interiors, such as seats, upholstery, floorboards, etc.
  6. Electrical industry:  In the electrical industry, diisocyanates are used in the production of insulating materials and protective layers on electrical conductors.
  7. Textile production:  Diisocyanates are used in textile production to create strong and durable materials such as curtains, upholstery, etc.
  8. Výroba plastov: Diizokyanáty sa používajú ako reaktívne zložky pri výrobe tvrdých a odolných plastov.
  9. Výroba lepidiel: Diizokyanáty sa používajú ako zložky v lepiacich zmesiach na lepenie rôznych materiálov.

Toto sú len niektoré z priemyselných odvetví, v ktorých sa používajú diizokyanáty. Nakoľko  diizokyanáty toxické, dôležité je dodržiavať bezpečnostné opatrenia pri manipulácii s týmito látkami.

Diizokyanáty spôsobujú podráždenie kože, očí a dýchacích ciest. Okrem toho vyvolávajú alergické reakcie najmä u osôb, ktoré boli v minulosti vystavené týmto zlúčeninám. Zabezpečte preto manipuláciu s náterovými hmotami, ktoré obsahujú diizokyanáty, iba v dobre vetraných priestoroch a použite primeranú osobnú ochranu, najmä ochranné rukavice, okuliare a respirátory.

According to the law, professional training is proven by a written record of completion of professional training for working with diisocyanates, and is carried out either by a doctor, a public health worker or a medical worker of the occupational health service or a safety technician.

Course price

Basic course
from 35€/person

**all listed prices are without VAT**

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