Mám záujem o cenovú ponuku.

We can help you create a complete set of OSH and FP documentation.

We operate throughout Slovakia - without a transport surcharge

How to avoid a fine? Contact us

Occupational safety and health protection (OS...

Provision of professional training in OSH by authorized technicians.

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FP: Fire protection

Fire protection engineer, training, inspections and OPP documentation

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OHS: Occupational health service

We are authorized to perform PZS for employees performing work classified in the first or second category.

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Environmental protection

Waste management, hazardous waste management and expert advice.

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Construction Site OSH Coordinator

Provision of an occupational safety plan for a construction site, professional supervision on the construction site and comprehensive services of an authorized safety engineer.

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Preparation for the SCC certificate

Reliable and professional preparation of companies and employees for international occupational safety and health certification

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Revízie a kontroly elektrických spotrebičov

Revízie a kontroly elektrických spotrebičov

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HACCP dokumentácia

Vypracovanie HACCP plánu a odborné poradenstvo pre potravinárske prevádzky.

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Kontrola požiarnych zariadení (hasiace prístr...

Zabezpečenie pravidelnej kontroly prevádzkyschopnosti požiarnych zariadení (hasiacich prístrojov a hydrantov)

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Revízie a kontroly elektrického ručného nárad...

Revízie a kontroly elektrického ručného náradia

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Schválená forma vzdelávania zamestnancov. Využite moderný spôsob vzdelávania vo vašej firme

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Školenia a kurzy zamerané na bezpečnosť a ochranu zdravia pri práci pri výkone rôznych profesií

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Your safety is our priority.

We have been dedicated to occupational safety and health protection, fire protection, and environmental protection for more than 10 years. 

During this time, we have trained more than 6,000 employees from all over Slovakia. We are constantly looking for effective solutions to ensure that all legal requirements are met and that safety and customer satisfaction are maintained.

I'm interested

What our clients say about us

  • Dominik Struhár-img

    Dominik Struhár

    "I have a rented office in the city center and the landlord transferred the OHS obligations to me in the lease agreement. I was in a state of sadness and then I found BEXPO on the Internet and today I have all the necessary documents for health and safety in order, even though I am not familiar with this area, I have been explained what specifically concerns me and we know who I can contact if there is a problem to convert."

  • Zuzana Majerovská-img

    Zuzana Majerovská

    "I have a rented office in the city center and the landlord transferred the OHS obligations to me in the lease agreement. I was in a state of sadness and then I found BEXPO on the Internet and today I have all the necessary documents for health and safety in order, even though I am not familiar with this area, I have been explained what specifically concerns me and we know who I can contact if there is a problem to convert."

  • Tibor Csunyocska-img

    Tibor Csunyocska

    "I have a rented office in the city center and the landlord transferred the OHS obligations to me in the lease agreement. I was in a state of sadness and then I found BEXPO on the Internet and today I have all the necessary documents for health and safety in order, even though I am not familiar with this area, I have been explained what specifically concerns me and we know who I can contact if there is a problem to convert."

Would you like to learn more about our services?

Please do not hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to help you.


Aké oprávnenia máme

OSH - Occupational health and Safety

Training and education of employees and managers

FP: Fire Protection

Fire protection is very important part of OHS

Electrical engineers

Education and training of electricians (§21 - §23)


Education and training of persons to assemble and dismantle scaffolding

Forest machines

Education and training of persons to operate selected forestry machines and equipment

Operation of a manual chainsaw during other activities

Education and training of persons to operate a manual chainsaw in other activities

Operation of a chainsaw during logging

Výchova a vzdelávanie osôb na obsluhu ručnej motorovej reťazovej píly pri ťažbe dreva

Movable work platforms

Education and training of persons operating mobile work platforms

Working at height using special climbing equipment

Education and training of persons working at height using special mountaineering and speleological techniques

Práce vo výškach (základné školenie vo výške nad 1,5 m)

Poskytuje zamestnancom základné vedomosti a zručnosti potrebné na bezpečné vykonávanie prác vo výške nad 1,5 metra.

Agricultural machinery

Education and training of persons to operate selected agricultural machines and equipment

Construction machines

Education and training of persons to operate selected construction machines and equipment

Load binder

Education and training of burden binders


Education and training of people to operate motorized carts

Lifting devices

Education and training of people to operate lifting equipment

Working with isocyanates

Training and education of people to work with isocyanates

Training SCC

SCC Training: Improve occupational safety, health and environmental protection

Contact us

Write us a message or call us

Do you have questions or would you like to learn more about our services? Do not hesitate to contact us! Our professional and friendly customer support is here to provide you with all the information you need and help you with your requirements. need and help you with your requirements