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Lifting devices

During the course, participants will acquire theoretical knowledge about the methods and procedures of operating individual types of lifting equipment, focusing on safety and health protection at work. Education and training of persons to operate lifting equipment is carried out in accordance with § 17 par. 3 decree no. 508/2009 Coll. The course participants will complete the education and training with a written test and will then be issued with a Certificate for the operation of the lifting equipment in accordance with § 16 par. 1 letter c) Act no. 124/2006 Coll. on safety and health protection at work. 

Conditions for participation in education and training of persons to operate lifting equipment

  • completed primary schooling,
  • at least 18 years of age,

Course scope

  • Basic course - from 3 hours (depending on the complexity of the lifting equipment) 
  • Repeated familiarization - 3 hours

Repeated familiarization 

During repeated familiarization, course participants will become familiar with changes in legal regulations and other legal regulations to ensure safety and health protection at work and with current knowledge related to safety and health protection when operating lifting equipment.

  • Repeated notification every 24 months in accordance with § 7 par. 5 of Act no. 124/2006 Coll.

Course price

Basic course
Repeated notification
 from €70/person

**all listed prices are without VAT**

  • Aa motor-driven crane and hoist, such as electric, hydraulic, with a capacity exceeding 1,000 kg and human-powered crane and hoist exceeding 5,000 kg, including permanent crane track and temporary jib-type crane track
  • Ab movable work platform with motor drive and with a lifting height of over 1.5 m
  • Acelevator and lifting platform, which is a permanent part of the building and object, namely:
    1. passenger and freight elevator with permitted passenger transport,
    2. freight elevator with access for people to the cage,
    3. freight elevator with prohibited passenger transport,
    4. lifting platform with permitted transport of people and cargo,
  • Adconstruction elevator
    1. for transporting people and cargo,
    2. cargo with access for people to the support platform,
  • Ae shelf stacker with an operator's station on the stacker and its transfer room,
  • Af moving stairs and walkways,
  • Ag ski lift and water ski lift,
  • Ah retractable ladder with motor drive,
  • Aiequipment for technical entertainment activities, for example amusement park and other entertainment equipment, with a motor drive:
    1. for lifting people in a device intended for this purpose, for example a gondola, a chair, a cabin, to a height of more than 1.5 m, or by which people reach a height of more than 1.5 m above the ground during the operation of the device, for example a carousel,
    2. a roller coaster with trolleys on a rail track with an elevation higher than 3 m,
  • Alsomovable stage equipment with motor drive v
    1. the upper part of the stage, for example the stage pull, fire and acoustic curtain, portal bridge and portal tower, lighting battery, curtain of lamps and chandeliers, projection frame,
    2. of the lower part of the stage, for example a lifting table, an orchestra table, a stage trap,
  • If the lifting head intended for mounting on or in a vehicle, which is intended for lifting persons when entering or exiting the vehicle
  • Badevice, which is:
    1. a crane and hoist with a motor drive with a load capacity up to 1,000 kg inclusive and with a human drive with a load capacity from 1,000 kg to 5,000 kg inclusive,
    2. motor-driven winch intended for lifting loads,
  • Bb the lifting device of a motor-driven transport truck and loader intended for lifting and transporting a load using a means of tying, hanging or grasping,
  • Bcadditional lifting accessories for hanging or grasping the load, which are not a permanent part of the technical equipment of lifting group A and group B, namely:
    1. lifting device for handling the ISO container,
    2. a device for hanging or grasping a load, for example a magnet, traverse, suction device, tongs, grab, except for the devices listed in group C letter a),
  • Bdspecial motor-driven lifting equipment intended for lifting loads, namely:
    1. lift ramp,
    2. lifting platform,
    3. stable, mobile and relocatable service lifting device, which is intended only for lifting the vehicle,
    4. a lifting head intended for mounting on a vehicle or in a vehicle intended for loading or unloading cargo,
  • Be a cargo construction lift without access for people to the supporting platform,
  • Bf vertical sliding gate with motor drive with a lift height of over 2.7 m,
  • Bg rack stacker without an operator station on the stacker and its transfer room, except for equipment that is part of automated systems for handling and storage,
  • Bh human-powered stage equipment,
  • Bi stairlift and vertical lifting platform intended for use by a person with limited mobility.
  • A means of tying and suspending a load that is not a permanent part of the lifting equipment, for example a tying rope, chain, strap, belt, hook, stirrup,
  • Cb technical lifting equipment, which is part of a work tool, for example a technological line, a machine or an automated system for handling and storage,
  • Cc technical lifting equipment assembled once, for example for assembly purposes, for transport,
  • Cd other technical equipment of lifting group B with human drive.

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