Mám záujem o cenovú ponuku.



Naša firma je hrdá na to, že pôsobí aj v Bratislave, hlavnom meste Slovenska, a prinášame našim klientom kvalitné služby v oblasti BOZP (Bezpečnosť a ochrana zdravia pri práci), OPP (Ochrana pred požiarmi), PZS (Pracovná zdravotná služba) a ŽP (Životné prostredie). 

Bratislava, s jej bohatou históriou a rôznorodou kultúrou, je pre nás dôležitým miestom, kde sa stretávajú rôzne potreby a výzvy.


Profesionálne BOZP, OPP a PZS služby v Bratislave

Occupational safety and health protection (OSH)

Provision of professional training in OSH by authorized technicians.

FP: Fire protection

Fire protection engineer, training, inspections and OPP documentation

OHS: Occupational health service

We are authorized to perform PZS for employees performing work classified in the first or second category.

Environmental protection

Waste management, hazardous waste management and expert advice.

Contact us

Write us a message or call us

Do you have questions or would you like to learn more about our services? Do not hesitate to contact us! Our professional and friendly customer support is here to provide you with all the information you need and help you with your requirements. need and help you with your requirements

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